Wednesday 6th November is Stress Awareness Day so we thought we’d share some practical tips on coping with stress which you can use for yourself as well as to help others you are responsible for as an employer/manager. You can also use these ideas to help a colleague who you think might be struggling.
New Colleagues
During your induction meetings with new staff, highlight the support for physical and mental wellbeing which your organisation offers. If you have one, share details of your Employee Assistance Programme. Make sure you ask your employees to complete a ‘New Employee Medical Questionnaire’ as part of your onboarding process so that you can discuss any concerns and offer support.
Create a Positive Workplace Culture
Look out for each other. We all have a responsibility to maintain team wellbeing in its broadest sense. Leadership can make a real difference here. Encourage your managers to be prepared to speak up about the importance of mental health.
Supervision & Support
Mental health problems are now the biggest single cause of lost days at work in the UK. Start every 1:1 by asking how someone is today. Make time to pay attention to what they say in response. If someone speaks to you about their wellbeing, you don’t have to act as a sponge soaking up their concerns – and don’t feel you have to be an expert either. The most important thing is to listen without judgement and then to help someone access additional support if they need it. We can help with these types of conversations and signpost to additional support where required.
Sickness & Return to Work
Remember that physical and mental health are governed by the same workplace legislation. If someone from your team has been off work because of stress or another mental health problem, be proactive in thinking of ways you can help them and offering different ways of working which will allow them to continue to do their job well. Don’t wait to be asked. We can support throughout this process and suggest reasonable adjustments which can be made.
Champion mental health in your workplace. Access mental health training support through or ask us for help in this area.
Work/life Balance
This one’s on all of us. Sleep, healthy diet and exercise are important. Recognise extra hours your team put in by offering time off in lieu and encourage them to book their holidays. Remember, mentally healthy workplaces are everyone’s business – look after your colleagues and look after yourself.
As always if you have any questions regarding the above or if you’d like to discuss these or any other points further please give one of our expert team a call or get in touch via our Contact Form.